Mercy killing Compassion and sympathy to shame Behold the nihilistic needle Injecting death fluids in our veins Collective suicide Mankind euthanasia Insane death fluids soon to occur harvesting pointless souls Stop birth and give death We are all useless parasites We must burn the swarming vermin Sacrifice the new-born Give raise to the born-dead Prepare the funeral for mankind Order of the ordeal Necrogenesis sanctified Aborted survival Behold the end of All Mankind euthanasia fantasy Perpetual pauperisation Sweeping statement of sepulchres Burial of the feeble and pathetic Natural forces symbiosis Purification throught Global Euthanasia Human taxidermy Soaked up in the vortex of universal void Vomito vulgum pecus Mors ultima ratio Credo quia absurdum