Cogito ergo od I am AIDS spreader I am drug dealer I am woman basher I am child rapist I amgun seller From the dephts of primitive mud I've always been with you Latent truth covered vy hypocrite cowardice I am humiliated shot I am tasty shit I am holy golden shower I am ripped sphincter A am a dwarf, a dog, a child I feel soiled but it glorifies me I love your contorted eyes I love your bleeding wounds I love to see you defaced by pain and tears I love your maimed body I am the knife (how sweet to incise) I am the bullet (how sweet to perforate) I am napalm (how sweet to burn) I am radiation (how sweet to melt) Humanity has reached his goal Deeper into the grotesque Deeper into the absurd Millenium of domestication in vain Syncretistic hatred I am desecration I am monotheism I am the lock of a skimped mind Schismatic contortion I was (and still will be) rusty nails I was (and still will be) rotten crescent I was (and still will be) remanent alimentations I am so human I am YOU Odi ergo sum