Waters are his herd Wild winds are his might Praise the mighty god Raise your weapons high On his streams we ride Turn their towns to flame Take their blood for gift Let us see his mirth Enter fields of Njord Enter fields of Njord Enter fields of Njord Watch the splashes flying Hear the dead souls crying See the stallions in foam Tease their land like hail Till the spineless die Send their souls to ice Harvest bloody crop They forgot the yew They will get no luck Turn their sacred place Show them real light Enter fields of Njord Enter fields of Njord Enter fields of Njord Watch the splashes flying Hear the dead souls crying See the stallions in foam At kveldi skal dag leyfa Konu er brennd er Mæki er reyndr er Mey er gefin er Ís er yfir kemr Öl er drukkit er Haltr ríðr hrossi Hjörð rekr handar vanr Daufr vegr ok dugir Blindr er betri En brenndr séi Nýtr manngi nás Lítilla sanda Lítilla sæva Lítil eru geð guma Því at allir menn Urðu-t jafnspakir Half er öld hvar Never end this war Kill them rape their wifes Saddle pallid horse Die but not demise So ride on the storm Hand in hand we're close Sky halls are our fate Death will bring this day Enter fields of Njord Enter fields of Njord Enter fields of Njord Watch the splashes flying Hear the dead souls crying See the stallions in foam