Wolfie's Just Fine

Hulk Hogan Slammed André the Giant

Wolfie's Just Fine

We came over to grandma’s house
'Cause we don’t have cable TV
We are silent, unlike the crowd
As our hero’s brought to his knees
Why did we ever think he could win
Looks like there will be a new champion

But then Hulk Hogan slammed Andre the giant
A moment in slow motion as time was flying

They said it was impossible
He’s five hundred and twenty pounds
I think we just saw a miracle
Like the ones that mother talks about
He drops the leg, we jump to our feet
Ninety thousand people count to three

I can’t believe Hulk Hogan beat Andre the giant
A moment in slow motion as time was flying

And as the song begins to play
We both jump on the couch
Grandma thinks we’ve gone insane
We are screaming with the crowd
I do not know this right now
But when I am my father’s age
Whenever I'm feeling down
I will think about today
And it’ll always put a smile on my face

Remember when Hulk Hogan slammed Andre the giant
A moment in slow motion as time was flying
Remember when Hulk Hogan slammed Andre the giant
A moment in slow motion as time was flying