Far away In the northernmost region In a dark land of ice and snow The old man dwelled in his tower Seeking to uncover the essence Of an enigma Through the mysteries Of the Gnocchi Gnocchi Gnosis "Se pareba boves Alba pratalia araba Alba versorio teneba Negro semen seminaba" One shroom in hand So delicate But yet with a pungent smell The smallest fish Dead long ago And soaked in the sweetest of wine Then three onions and fresh water from the sea Add lead and bring to a boil Some cloves of garlic and the roots of ancient trees Leave overnight to soak Oh, barley The food of gods and men alike Grind it to dust And mix it with Beaten eggs and the salt from a toad Two pounds of golden apples dug out from the earth Slow cook until tender throughout Peel gently and decompose them one at a time It should be moist with no lumps "O, mia amatra... Vita, dolce vita; Cuor del mio morto cuor... Che tu abbandoni..." "De cui fia tosto, Credo La finita; In qual parte voui andare? ¿Qual regioni cerchi tu, piu graziose che la mia?" Oh, Barley The food of gods and men alike Beyond compare The saltness of the earth The eggs in the nest The birds of the spheres Fermented hours Like these Fermented hours Like these Closer In the deepest of regions The light came from within the core An Entity expanded to pieces An Entity expanded to pieces seeking to uncover the secrets of The Trifold Great and the mysteries of the Gnocchi Sunesis Oh, sweet life of my bitter life My heart of my dead heart What regions do you seek Seeking to uncover the essence More gracious than my own Where do you want to go Ignis Aqua Aeris Terra Aether Rebis Monad Henosis