The curse of Yōkai The curse, curse of Yōkai Ore wa yōkai da The mighty demon of deception and manipulation Shapeshifting my disguise, you’ll never be able to recognize Akuma no Kitsune A mutilated diabolic figure Frail mask of endless beauty My omnipotence awakens the inner beast Tamamo no mae, Kitsune Sometimes, things are not what they seem to be You can turn day into night, night into day Sometimes the choices you make will define you This is the curse of Yōkai Ore wa yōkai da Your petty rituals are just a waste of empty prayers And you knew it all along that this is the end for you We pray, we pray for our virtue, we pray for divinity We pray, we pray for salvation, we pray for prosperity We pray for, we pray for our lives The taste of reality is bitter sweet Sometimes you feel like you’re being trapped The taste of reality is bitter sweet And the truth is you were left for dead Sometimes, things are not what they seem to be You can turn day into night – night into day Sometimes the choices you make will define you This is the curse of Yōkai Ore wa yōkai da Tamamo no mae, Kitsune Akuma no Kitsune