


Light up a candle of a human mind
Take a look, what will you find
Vault of absurd believes
Mystic stories of human beings

Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Or aspects of believers' lies
Worshipping the master of death
It is time to wake up, you braindead

Created by imagination
Mental damnation

No respect! For nonsense
No weeping flesh! My veins are dry
No need no pray! For salvation
No reason to! Chant the prince of darkness

Sick beliefs of a sick minded believer
Morbid obsession to believe in higher existence
Like a parasite among the mankind
Great misconseption of human mind

Surrounded by million eyes
or corrupted by preacher's lies
Unforgivable seven deadly sins
In the end individuality wins
Created by imagination
Mental damntion

Bible is read. Curses are said
Finally the truth shall set me free
And let me be...