Awaiting waters, the great deluge The end of what was to come An ark of hope, asylum for the lost Opposing elemental force Impact is near and the world set on fire Chaos prevails, doom ascends Among the flames the ark awaits Creeping death aboard lying in ambush To envenomate, eradicate the unsuspected No mercy will be shown At the end of an arduous path Fate expects us with all it‘s might And sheer ferocity, as hangman of the damned And thus ends a dark chapter Of humans‘ sad history And with a smile nature sheds A tear of regret After the storm a hunch of relief And mirth prevails Delusive hope the wings of death Spread wide open A virus unfurls, carrying off the last survivors, one by one A floating graveyard, bodies pile on deck An ark of dread Abyss for the lost Predator‘s easy prey A ghost ship symphony echoing Over the seas Celebrating the death Of a nemesis of the earth And one day the ark runs ashore Forever to stand the test of time As monolith of demise