don't tell me how to talk ? to the bottom of the isle to the bottom of the ocean to the bottom of the ocean at times like these, its easy to impress and that's the feeling that i'm getting yeah isnt that right? maybe it's all wrong? and you are why, all the summers in the north are red like wine,oh but you could be mine oh yeah, the killing of people is lucid so you and me should start a movement powerful enough for us to live on forever (powerful enough for us to live on, forever) forever and you are why, all the summers in the north are red like wine, oh but you could be mine and you are why , all the summers in the south are white or pink. at least i made you think oh, ah ha, ah ha you could be mine, but you won't try you could be mine, but you won't try you could be mine oh you could be mine and you are why, all the summers in the north are red like wine, oh but you could be mine and you are why , all the summers in the south are white or pink, at least i made you think at least i made you think at least i made you think at least i made you think (that you could be mine) at least i (you could be mine) ?