Get ready to open your eyes so you can see, mada mi ta koto nai taimumashiin mi taku tsure te ku mirai tabi suru yon jigen kyuukouka shi te mo ochi ne? ude furuu marude ichiryuu shefu So, So Fresh na neta o geto tte shikomu jouzetsu na furoo chou DEF 5 Stars hoteru nami goojasu dai sutaa uketoru boonasu we gonna show you how to get down 2 hon no ashi de tatsu kono Ground hanatsu kono Sound Ah, Ah, ashita to no sa ha kyou shidai Do or Die akirame taku nakya Keep on trying ( hidaka ) Even when your down Time goes around Look above the ground Believe in who you are ( WISE ) kono semai sekai no naka de hishimekiatte iki te ku sadame tokini mawari no hito ni ja masa re soredemo ashita no yume no tame (hidaka) There's no one that could hold you down It's time for us show you how to Rise above the ground, into the sky above, Higher and higher into the sky above ( WISE ) ( nothing you can do to stop me! tsuneni mae susumu ashi!) ( we ' re gonna show you how... to rise above!) ( shu o nobasu... kibou no ashita... Into the sky, Into the sky!) Something like a phenomenon konoyo no mono ja nai yo na tsuyoi kokoro shu ni suru oora tsutsuma re Never fall out from the sky kuuji tai imi suru mono ha mugen no ai jiyuu no shouchou kochou uchuu no housoku Don ' t stop itsu demo joushou oto komaku oku ni motto dotto nagarekon de hottoku koto ga deki ne n da Yo I remember donna shiren ga matteyo u to susumu tame no riyuu ha... ( hidaka ) Even when your down Time goes around Look above the ground Believe in who you are ( WISE ) kono semai sekai no naka de hishimekiatte iki te ku sadame tokini mawari no hito ni jama sa re sorede mo egao de ireru tame ( hidaka ) There ' s no one that could hold you down It ' s time for us to show you how to Rise above the ground, into the sky above, Higher and higher into the sky above ( WISE ) ( nothing you can do to stop me! tsuneni mae susumu ashi!) ( we ' re gonna show you how... to rise above!) ( shu o nobasu... kibou no ashita... Into the sky, Into the sky!) Uh ? I ' ll take you higher nai naru honoo o tomosu faia No ? Never ritaia sagasu takara hikaru safaia ai ta kuchi fusagara nai kurai hanpa nai Vibes tomose raitaa Like a uchuusen biikuru guruuvu nokkari kimi ra hipparu ichi hatsu dekai hanabi buchi age Rewind Selector, Come again! Mr. Wise okuru Big Surprise with the style that I ' ll be dropping in the air, Synchronize domo ni Hypnotize ichi ka hachi ka ima tachimukae hinto nai toki mo kitto daijoubu sa osore o furiharae Say wow wo wo wo Say yeah yae yae yae Boon buy! the Higher moeru dezaiya ten takaku te age yubi sasu Fire - ball oh ? hinotama taiyou mezashi tobitatsu ze babiron marude ika rosu tsubasa tokeru made doko made mo Take me higher! ( hidaka ) There ' s no one that could hold you down It ' s time for us to show you how to Rise above the ground, Into the sky above, Higher and higher into the sky above ( WISE ) ( nothing you can do to stop me! tsuneni mae susumu ashi!) ( we ' re gonna show you how... to rise above!) ( shu o nobasu... kibou no ashita... Into the sky, Into the sky!) ( shu o nobasu... kou ga sasu... tsukinukeru gurai takaku High up in the sky!)