The morning sun is shining today But is still cold in the battle field A lot of bodies in the ground I saw My legs chill when I think 'bout their pain Eagles fly so as the souls Who go to a better place Looking down the both cries 'Cause the Devil is taking the lead When they are there Don't want to go nowhere A good place With so much hope This is a place where eagles fly This is the Winter Sky Winter Sky The Devil laughs When he stares above And see no eagles And no morning sun He sees a place Where nobody wants to go And he think of how stupid we are Destroying the sky Destroying the seas The moon's in the sky tonight And it's cold like all days All is dark and evil's everywhere But there in the sky, there's no eagles flying The souls that scape Are happy in heaven But those who don't Suffer in the ground The rain is heavy The wind runs The Devil laughs Men cry This is a place where eagles cry This is the Winter Sky Winter Sky