Breathe after breathe I'll find peace of mind Don't you see? I'm already calming down, right? After all when a story ends is to start another one As long as you're able to wait…right? RIGHT? Anxiety kills who's been won by life (Who won the war I fought?) Fear burns the future of who has lost in the past During all my life Every time I threw myself to catch each moment And that way I only lost lots of them While I rose again from dust I wanted memories to be the only grip with reality And the future to be the time for my dreams I'll destroy building emptiness And I wonder What's the moment between death and life? And I wonder: Why? Are these moments so weak, so fragile? And I wonder What's the instant between love and… How can I call this moment? Time(?)… Before ever there was darkness Before Her, the cold promised me That he'd have come back before I'd have skimmed delight Time, you freezed me In this eternal sunrise eve The tomorrow of a sunset Which, you promised, will be forever Not being Increases my hunger of reality Not moving Increases fear and anxiety Staring at the others Increases my regrets Not finding Her Is the cause or the effect? Freezed in cold steel Grass of the hill Waves of the sea An extinguished sphere… and me Blocked in the movements Created by memories of a wind I wait (gazing far away) The one who will fix my instant Damned adolescence I lived a life to please everyone And I created another one to stay Beside that a rag of me which advanced I thought you could lie and now I wanna get out of it I see I need Her to enter my world while I wonder... While I wonder What's the moment between death and life? While I wonder: Why? Are these moments so weak, so fragile? While I wonder What's the instant between love and… How can I call this moment? Freezed in cold steel Grass of the hill Waves of the sea An extinguished sphere… and me Blocked in the movements Created by memories of a wind I wait the one who will fix my instant (gazing far away) and from far away she'll come and the wind will start to blow releasing every moment I held there So this other life will die So my smiles will make some sense And my words will have a goal Finally clear RIGHT?