Inner silence, wall of glass Between my life and your world I see, we're further than ever more And you still refuse to hear What my wounded mind screams And for years and years in the shadows I hid Iced statues is all I see Stopped in the same position Waiting for a cold embrace This mental dispossession Iced statues is all I see Stopped in the same position But you have to run Open your eyes, begin to burn But you seem to be blind And in this cold embrace (you) lay again And again (you'll) lose your face under ice But sometimes I hear you cry When in this cold embrace (you) die again And again in my heart burns a fire Out of this cold embrace We have fear, we know nothing Yes we see the way, now, But it's longest, it's still longest Yes we know what's the way But there is only darkness Iced statues is all I see Stopped in the same position Waiting for a cold embrace This mental dispossession Iced statues is all I see Stopped in the same position But we have to run Open our eyes, begin to burn