In the garden...time for his quest Beware for his soul may never rest! Filled with becomes night The crown of creation... the most beautiful sight. The young man rides... His friend at his side. Far from the place he remembers as a child. Through days of old... I can feel your presence. You were among us since the beginning of time Enslave us us your might! Thy name: Goddess of Delight Benighted by dreams...glide on the winds Cross the borders of time and space Enter her realm, beware of her powers! His fate uncertain as his journey begins.... Damnation is where she will lead Mercy...the word his lips will plead Like a hunting creature...Divina roam through the night Eyes, cold as stone... mesmerizing, feminine dead, without life. Smile...fill the living with fright Thy name: Goddess of Delight. "Endeavour to seduce my soul, an entity so frail and pure. With lust cast onto me... The ordeal I had to endure. Yet I reached for my saviour, condemn your kingdom to decay. United with my beloved,I feel reborn as we ride far away."