Oink oink Moo moo Oink oink moo Oink oink moo moo Quaa quaa quack Quaa quaa quack Peep peep Peep peep Peep peep said the chicken in the barnyard pen Quack quack said the duck won't let me in Cluck cluck cluck said the little red hen Let's boogie in the barnyard Baa baa said the sheep from another pole Moo moo said the cow let the butter roll Cluck cluck cluck said the little red hen Let's boogie in the barnyard Yes, the barnyard was jumping Everybody having their fling Even old MacDonald had to do a little corny swing Bow wow said the dog in the circus top Meow said the cat now please don't stop Cluck cluck cluck said the little red hen Let's boogie in the barnyard Yes, even Uncle Ezra got caught with a dozen eggs I saw Aunt Susie kill a chicken with a bandied leg Bow wow bow wow Meow meow Cluck cluck cluck cluck said the little red hen Let's boogie in the barnyard Peep peep quack quack cluck cluck moo moo bow wow Boo hoo so long bye bye