Tom: Em Opening riff: E|--------| B|--------| G|--0-----| D|----4-2-| A|2-------| E|--------| x3 (together with the Chords) C Am Em Has Been (With the opening): C Am Em Has Been You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me? You callin' me, has been? What'd you say your name is? G Jack Never done jack Glad to meet ya Who's your friend? Em Dick Don't say dick C G And you friend, what's your handle? Am Don Em Two thumbs Don Em Riding on their armchairs D/A Em They dream of wealth and fame G Fear is their companion Em Nintendo is their game C G Never done jack and two thumbs Don Am And sidekick don't say dick Em We'll laugh at others failures D Em Though they have not done shit (with opening riff): I've heard of you C Am The ready-made connecting with the ever-ready Yeah Em The never was talking about still trying I got it C Am Forever bitter gossiping about never say die Em May I inquire what you've been doing mister? G Jack Never done Jack Em And you partner, what's the News of the World, Dick? I don't say dick C G Am (Stop) Don, of all the people you must be the Tattler Two thumbs up What are you afraid of? Em Failure? So am I Has been implies failure Not so Has been is history C Has been was (with opening riff) Am Has been might again Em