(rap) The many people, they arent like me at all And I try to be like them, I try But our different hearts, I call then scars And the times when I start to cry and hesitate Yea, maybe I was the only idiot The world goes by perfectly well without me The time is passing and the sighs are increasing Even if I try to hold on with greed, If its not mine, I cant have it... When I look for a number but have no place to call The thought of me being alone is so sad, I start to cry I know that every moment that goes by is a dilemna But sometimes I just crumble down like this *When the time goes, when we live busily It will find me someday If I try to hang out with the people again It will be another struggling day (rap) The wind blows and shakes my hair Without permission, without conscienceness It makes me fall into confusion, nothing changed The wind left. It never told me to wait You have to understand me, staying at this place To me, who doesnt have anyplace to lean on, I cant be sad Everyone is like this. Everyone is alone In the end, I need to comfort myself Why am I like this? It seems like there is no spot for me between my friends I become depressed by the useless thoughts of neglect What can I do? Isnt there a person who will value me? The pity makes the skies grieve repeat * I know now. Its not something to be solved if I try to hold on to it You who left me, you werent satisfied with my love I dont hope. I dont hold onto anything Im determined to empty out my heart So that I can fill it up with the next love and the next times