
Capitol City


Capitol city, skyline photo
Skyscrapers shine, the sun's so.. low in the sky
Secretaries at the hot tub
Cabs honk at the bicycle messengers
Rolling by
I can't call with the subway token
Anyway, the balls are all broken
I wish you were here, better yet i wish i was there with you

You wouldn't like it here
You should stay right
Breathe in that country air
You wouldn't like it here..

Capitol towers radiate a steam vent
Scream along with the clarinets and argue
Echo down the hall
I can't sleep, i can't wake up
Shaken up, maybe we should break up
I wish you were here, better yet
I wish i was there with you

You wouldn't like it here
You should stay right
Breathe in that country air
You wouldn't like it here..

Capitol city, skyline photo
Picture postcards, ? so low in the sky
I can't smile when my heart's still broken
Far away, in love and unspoken
I wish you were here
Or i was there with you..