What's your excuse for this abuse? Trying to look like rock 'n roll looney tunes Now we know why you (guys) dress up Hats because you guys really suck Hiding your agony by wearing make-up Wouldn't wanna see your faces when you wake up I can see why you wanna trade up What the hell is wrong with being yourself? (shut up and) leave punkrock to someone else The girls will always love you, even though your act is untrue Just leave punkrock to someone else Olp maybe sponsoring your guitars But there's no such thing as a punkrock star So glad i don't watch mtv, i don't want your shit to effect me You retards really make me sick If i asked i'm sure you'll suck my dick A carrot wouldn't hurt if you make it stick What the hell is wrong with being yourself? (shut up and) leave punkrock to someone else The girls will always love you, even though your act is untrue Just leave punkrock to someone else I'm so tired of your shit, please kill me