Dear mathilda you should have known, i wrote you a letter long time ago Now its tearing you up inside, you are in too deep this you can not deny Reasons for silent treatment is gone, i know its hard but you have to carry on You have taken your time destroying yourself, never needed anybodys help Dear mathilda looking good, down in the mud, missunderstood Dear mathilda all fucked up, it was all so fun but never enough Dear mathilda it might not be too late, evendough life dont seem too great Listening to me might bring a little hope, pull your head away from the rope Your addiction much like the tide, when all tied up useless to hide Give me some i will give you all, save you from the unavoidable fall Dear mathilda cares a lot, but too much cocain, too much pot Dear mathilda all fucked up, a little reefers allright but then you should top