As we stand among the ruins, the southern mountains crumble, the old one has awaken Rise above, through the walls that stood so still Escaping from the down below, as the year of Saturn shines upon us Rage of the great primordials lingers from the silence Even the greatest man stands before them as a filthy parasite Gazing through the eyes of Armageddon Fear and chaos, obfuscate our land Oh God, father of eternal time The true king of cosmos Demanding the sacred soil and hungers for the sky And from the east towers the waves of thousand lifes Under the forgotten waters, oh mighty Oceanus The false king will be overthroned Arise brothers, rise from your slumber - and we shall prevail This world bears no souls of the traitors or the false paragon. Treachery once inflicted upon the elders. No weapon of the old stands on the way of their gold You may pray the heavens, to end this war. For it was them who turned their back, and it will be them, who shall fall Tonight we feast, with the flesh of the gods And from the west rises the flames, flames of the last dawn Brood of the sun, blazing cattle of the divine Scorches the earth