Stench wafting from under the desk Queefs are puffing out of her And clap between her thighs A yeast infection caused by Forcing foreign objects into her vulva Tara is plump and she's hot as fuck All the office guys leer at her cans all day New guy Darren gets invited to her flat For a few beers and some nibbles They burst into the living room Kissing grunting moaning Darren throws her down tearing off her briefs Rotten odour makes him wince He still decides to cup her genitals Then something drips and pools in his hand A cluster of wet paper clips What in God's name I've stolen a few items from work Mr. Stanley can go get fucked Please help me declutter and I'm all yours I don't understand Tara dacks her huge titties, wow I suppose I could help you out, open your legs Nervously fisting, digits flailing about in her loose hole Daz can't believe what he finds He sweats profusely A box of staples, two yellow sticky note pads Some scissors, pocket calculators A world's greatest boss coffee mug And a framed picture of Mr. Stanley's children With their dog Sid Tara tell me that did not just fucking happen? Just put it in my arsehole Darren rolls her over, slags on her date Feeds his penis in just a little bit Before something blocks his thrust Pulling out a faeces covered pack of Bic pens This is bullshit, I'll have a pull