Kate’s been cheating on her husband with some cunt from work Ben can see through her lies and knows that something’s not right She always smells of cool water and has a headache every damn night Ben has had a gut full, private investigators are hired to help Quickly they discover that his missus is unfaithful Ben organizes a romantic evening for three Katey poo you’re home! I have a present waiting, I know you’ll love it Covering her eyes, he leaders her into their dingy basement Surprise! Kate’s lover is cut in half, alive but barely conscious Fucking hell, what have you done? Babe I don’t care about this guy I shit you not You’re the only one that I love You slut! An injection stabbed into her neck quickly sorts her out When she comes to, she is an amputee Ben has been kind enough to giver her new legs Why the fuck did you cheat on me? Is it because I’m a male fucking nurse? Well guess who’s a fucking surgeon now? He lubes up old mates knot with Vas, inch by inch he slips into his dead arse While he kisses and plays with his wife’s tits Lover boy is force fed his own cock Mouth taped shut so he can’t spit it out Hello dickhead They drift in and out of consciousness Stuff he stole from work keeps them alive while he rogers them Was our love ever real? Or were you always trawling for cock. Answer me! The scalpel cuts Kate’s throat deep See what you made me do mate? He lunges at the torso and wallops the fucking shit out of the prick