Malodorous, filthy, dilapidated dwelling A run-down caravan he calls his home Obese and unemployed for years Heart attacks have made him weak Putrid skin folds harbour a rich paste Sweaty stench from anus emanates While masturbating, he eats his favourite crisps Cheese and onion crumbs mix with semen and dense hair Screams at his young sex slave Lick the spunk off my guts, whore She is high on meth, semi-naked And chained to the radiator Don't you dare scowl at me I'll cut your tits off, bitch Struggling to get off the couch Clutching at his chest as he falls to the floor Springing into life, the slave dives for his knife Sticks him like a sweaty pig, 18 times in the heart She removes her panties slowly Straddling over his dead body She starts to defecate into his wounds Faeces flow into arteries Aorta full of excrement