
Quality Time


Say you're a toilet
Say you're a human toilet
Say it
Say you're a dirty whore
Say it
Say you're a cheap fucking Manningham pig slut whore
What are you?
Come on, baby
What are you?
Come on, baby, twenty goes a long way
What are you up to now anyway?
Twenty buys a lot of groceries, you know
You're costing me a fortune
Say you're a human toilet
Come on, come on
Say you're a human toilet
Cunt's a human toilet
Baby's a human toilet

Take the shit
Ten if you take the shit
Take a bit of that shit off
Take the shit
Ten for a bit of shit
Take the shit
Cream your thighs
Cream up your thighs
Cream your thighs
Come on, baby

Baby creams her thighs
Creamy thighs
Cream your thighs
Cream up your thighs
Come on, baby
Pig whore
Face on the floor
Baby's face on the floor
Go for the pile
That's good
Go for the pile
Come on, baby
Come on, cunt
Go on
Go on, baby
Dirty whore
Go for the pile
That's good
Baby digs for it
Dig, dig
Baby digs for it
Go for the pile
Face on the floor
Baby's face on the floor
Cream your thighs
Cream up your thighs
Cream your thighs
Baby creams her thighs
That's good
Go for it, baby
Go for it, cunt

Nothing happened?
Nothing happened?
His shit's in your mouth and you're saying nothing happened?
His shit's in baby's mouth, baby's mouth and nothing happened?
Quality time
Quality time