White Zombie

I Am Legend

White Zombie

Tom: C

          By: Kenny Neumann
          *** Standard tuning 
          play the first two bars, then ending 1. again play first two bars, then  
          ending 2, again frist rwo bars, then ending 3 if tabbed. do this for all:  
          Intro Main Verse Riff,Slow Heavy Bridge Part  Middle Verse. i have not  
          tabbed the solo but i will, the tabbed scale is the one J uses. play the  
          main riff 12 times, then the bridge and then the chorus 4 times. again main  
          riff 12 times, then bridge and chorus 4 times, play the solo on Am, then  
          return to the meoldy. 
          Intro Main Verse Riff                   Ending #1         Ending #2 
          Slow Heavy Bridge Part  Middle Verse        Ending#1  Ending#2 
          Ending#3    Scale for solo Am 