Glow of fire storming somewhere in the sky among the stars Lightens up the countless rooftops with a tender golden light Under roofs beloved nooses hug the necks now and again Guard the wrinkled mental health against reality Embarrassed dead men drag themselves alongside endless walls Trying to comprehend why they still belong to this world Embarrassed dead men drag themselves alongside endless walls Trying to comprehend why they still belong here Roadways reek of the madness Noone walks plague-stricken streets Only lanterns patrolling Beacons for the restless souls Drowned men stay in the row At deserted silent piers Follow dying old man with their eyes Full of salty tears Massive cross of intellect On the back of mental patient Presses me into the ground Shedding pain and desolation All the efforts are futile All the attempts are condemned to failure Heavy rain through all the life Deafens incoherent prayers All the efforts are futile All the attempts are condemned to failure In the mad world where God Has become the first self-killer All the efforts are futile