White Ward

Debemur Morti

White Ward

The restless spirit told me once
That I should die imprisoned
And my confinement began
Within the bars of reason
And then I let the sorrow in
I made the nest for treason
I let the people stay within
And they destroyed the eden

Turned into a stone
My heart still beats
Confirming the fact that
We are death
Turned into a stone
My heart still beats
Frozen to the bone
My body bleeds

We are
We are death
We are
We are rust
We are
We are death
We are
We are tomb

Turned into a stone
My heart still beats
Confirming the fact that
We are death
Turned into a stone
My heart still beats
Frozen to the bone
My body, my body bleeds

In the midst of a conflict
I put myself into a chamber
The safe space makes me calm
The panopticon brings recharge
The restless spirit once told me
That I should die imprisoned
Imprisoned, imprisoned
My confinement already began

Emotional standstill
I no longer exist
Turned into a stone
My heart still beats
And beats, and beats, and beats, and beats, and

The ice has never been broken
I curse myself twice
I curse myself twice
These words have never been spoken
I reject sane advice
I reject sane advice

The emotional standstill
The emotional standstill