I took a walk back then I had a moment thinking how it's been Between you and me, my dear And we can make it for another year I guess maybe I don't care I wrote it in my diary And all my word is true I even tore out all the pages about you And now I pass 'em out To every stranger on the street that walks on by So I can move along And maybe sleep tonight without me wondering Why are things so complicated? Sensitive and intricate I can't wake up, now I'm feeling petty So I tore them all out And things are colder here Another night that I can walk into alone It makes so much sense The kind of weather, you can feel it in your bones And now I'm cracking a smile To every stranger on the street that walks on by So I can move along I get to bed tonight without me wondering Why were things so complicated? Sensitive and intricate I can't believe how long I've waited I can't believe how long I've waited I tore out the pages I tore out the pages I tore out the pages I tore them all out I tore them all out I tore them all out