How can we stand in a world with such hate? Where every night we lit awake And dream of a way to escape? Disguise your lies With anothe´s demise Disguise you lies With anothe´s demise This is the last lullaby close your eyes hear me cry again Hopelessly lost that´s not my name I will not play your game Hopelessy lost that´s not my name I will not play your game And I will be strong I will not let go I will hang on to the only thing I know I will be strong I will not let go I will hang on to the only thing I know This is the last lullaby close your eyes hear me cry again I will be strong I will not let go I will hang on to the only thing I know To the only thing I know This is the last lullaby so close your eyes Wathch me try this is the last lullaby So close your eyes just close your eyes