Tom: A doesnt take very long to learn. most of the song goes like this e|x-x-5-x-xxx-2|* B|x-x-5-x-xxx-2|* G|x-x-6-x-xxx-3|* D|x-x-7-x-xxx-4|* A|x-x-7-x-xxx-4|* E|x-x-5-x-xxx-2|* ! ! 1st break from the main part e|25---| B|25---| G|36---| D|47-7*| A|47-7*| E|25-5*| 2nd break from the main part e|---2*| B|---2*| G|---3*| D|7*-4*| A|7*-4*| E|5*-2*| (m)(m) /! After drums and bass come in e|5-5-5-2-222-2|* B|5-5-5-2-222-2|* G|6-6-6-3-333-3|* D|7-7-7-4-444-4|* A|7-7-7-4-444-4|* E|5-5-5-2-222-2|* ! ! x=mute *=play more than once !=stroke hard (m)=palm mute /!= gradually get louder