"There's a shirt in the store I work at with an image of Jesus being crucified to the cross while several wholesome looking American kids point their fingers and laugh. It took me a while to figure out why I too found the image humorous. So many people who take their religion so seriously don't seem to listen to their own words. Good will towards humankind is possible without a religious belief system being used as a crutch. I will not deny there are several religious leaders or institutions that work for good in the world. However, the plethora of people over the centuries that have twisted "holy" words to justify their own agenda, resulting in corruption, vice and wholesale bloodshed, seems to outnumber those working for good." My opinions anger you yet you sell cheap images of your sacred icon for pennies and you defile any reverence by casting it in neon plastic you glorify an image while ignoring the words and I shudder at the things you do behind closed doors you justify your actions with words that aren't your own and you can never live up to you are not righteous, you're evil so I have no qualms as to pointing at an image of your god and laughing I can respect culture and tradition but not your revisionism, manipulation and lies you're a tool and you've made your god into a clown you're a fucking joke The humour in blasphemy The joy in sacrilege