Welcome Home Travis

Everyday Feels Like Sunday

Welcome Home Travis

Recently everyday feels like sunday 
And I can't see why things just won't work out today 
Tension builds 
Like a pot of gold just out of sight 
Tension builds 
Recently when everyday feels like sunday 
(I think)it will take some time but things aren't so bad these days 
Have you heard an encouraging word from the bridal side? 
Have you heard these things that wake you up screaming? 
Tension builds 
Is it possible to not look miserable? It's making it harder to care 
Why am I not surprised that you hate me right now? But it's days like this I can't live without you 
You'll find me flippin round the backside, to take a piss that lasts a lifetime 
I don't think I care 
Been driving on the wrong side of the road today, and it's getting harder to see 
Now I'm seeing different, and you're not seeing me 
Now I'm seeing double, which one's laughing at me? 
My head's outside the window, you're both laughing at me... laugh at me