Weiß Kreuz

Sora ni Naretara (translation)

Weiß Kreuz

Sora ni Naretara (I Became the Wind)

Listen to the melody of the wind. Now,
I have just remembered love.
In that far off city,
I'm waiting for you to return to me.

Turning back to see that no one's there on the road uphill,
You've finally realized
I want to become the wind. No matter what clouds may be, I will embrace it
Let's become the wind
To To Togehter
Just the two of us
To To Together

You protected my dream, and were just
an average strong person seeing me off.
Now, the goodbye voice
Has become lost.
We're headed towards the rainbow,
But there's nowhere to cross it.

That moment's twilight and that day's scent
Are always the same.
I will become the sky, no matter what past is concerned.
I'm going
To To Together
To where you are
To To Together

In that far off city,
I'm waiting for you to return to me.

* repeat