Cadaverous soliloquy Only graveworms hear my buried cries Thus betrayed by faith I fear the chilly gaze of the glittering moonface Declining in rapture Enter mourning sculptures Helpless As I dwell in this void of nothingness Putrefaction afloat in the air Satisfaction by gnawing nightcrawlers In ecstasy succumbs my bravery Insanity root of wild fancies Depravity orgasm in extremis From rust to dust and rust to dust… Cadaverous soliloquy; indigent is this melody Cadaverous soliloquy, awaiting Thee, awaiting Thee Cadaverous soliloquy; my last breath will soon call Thy name Cadaverous soliloquy; forever jailed by Death's flame Cadaverous soliloquy Only graveworms hear my buried cries Dust in the womb Then dust in the tomb By this nocturnal might I am forever crystallized under the moonlight Though enslaved Always for Thee have I craved Ravens eyes beholding me on my gravestone A cold wind rising unveil Thy majesty moaning on its throne Insignificant toy of Thine As sadly I will utter my whines For Thee a rose I threw Frozen by my weeping it was dark blue Soak it in blood-red wine And of my demise behold the sign When the fog finally blinds me Chained in darker land I will forever love Thee