A whistling breath suddenly escaped from my cracked lips When I turned back to see That the stones of the temple I had just finished building Were lying scattered under the mocking cold rays of the sun I was still able to hear the faded laughter of the vile ones Who were fleeing away, forgetting as they were running That the palace they had crushed Was equally precious to me as my own life The work of a life The passion of a quest Denied Destroyed My eyes, that had seen the sparkle in the dark, Were now beholding the remains Of a fervour that had been sentenced to death By the blindness of a race As I collapsed, like those stones had just done My betrayed face hit the frozen ground Then the moon came and chased away the agitation of the light Lying there, feeding from the coldness of the earth My thoughts started to wander in an incarnate trance Echoing from within but beholding the outside Thus a dark seed started growing in my veins Blackening my vital fluids and withering my feelings From the ashes of my broken dream I will rise And like wolf among sheep Spread a deserved terror within the flock Like wolf among sheep… For suckled at the teat of motherly presence I was fed with poison I know what the instinct is Like wolf among sheep...