Tom: C # SHOT HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD FROM ABC SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK! on Schoolhouse Rock Rocks! PS - This represents the author's best effort to identify chords. It should not be taken as theft of intellectual or published property, as I have never seen anyone else stupid enough to devote enough time to tabbing out "Schoolhouse Rock!" jingles and thus have never seen a printed sheet of music for this song.... "SHOT HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD" Standard tuning, folks! ALL POWER CHORDS WITH SLIGHT DISTORTION. I find it works best with the volume knob on the guitar set on about 5 with distortion turned back to 6 or so. I've printed where the chords are for the first verse and chorus, and after that, just repeat the same pattern accordingly. Any flames, corrections or grateful expressions or appreciations may be sent to the email address listed in the header. C YA! "SHOT HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD" Music and Lyrics by Bob Dorough, ABC Music corp. (c) 1976 ASCAP (not that I asked for permission or anything.......see above disclaimer) TABBED BY Bill Duck AKA MeggaB* VERSE CHORDS: A D G C A F# C# D E A D G C F G A D E Spoken: "The British are coming! The British are coming!" VERSE 1 A D Now the ride of Paul Revere G C set the nation on its ear A F# C# D E 'And the shot at Lexington heard 'round the world A D When the British fired in the early dawn G C the war of independence had begun A F G A D E the die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled A D And On to Concord marched the foe G C to seize the arsenal there you know A F# C# D E Awakin' folks and searching all around A D So our militia stopped them in their tracks G C at the old North Bridge we turned them back A F G A D E And chased those redcoats back to Boston town CHORUS CHORDS: C Bb Eb F Eb D G Ab Eb Bb C F Eb E C Bb Now the shot heard round the world Eb F was the start of the revolution Eb D G The minutemen were ready, on the move Ab Eb Take your powder take your guns Bb C report to General Washington F Eb E hurry men there's not an hour to lose VERSE 2 Now the famous Bunker Hill even though we lost it was quite a thrill The rebel Colonel Prescott proved he was wise Outnumbered and low on ammunition as the British stormed his position he said "Hold your fire till you see the whites of their eyes!" Though the next few years were rough General Washington's men proved they were tough those hungry ragged boys would not be beat One night they crossed the Delaware Surprised the Hessians in their lair And at Valley Forge just bundled up their feet Now the shot heard round the world Was the start of the revolution The minutemen were ready, on the move CHORUS Take your blankets Take your sons Report to General Washington We got our rights and now it's time to prove VERSE 3 Well they showed such determination that they won the admiration of countries 'cross the sea like France and Spain Who loaned the colonies ships and guns and put the British on the run and the Continental army on its feet again Though we lost some battles too the Americans swore they'd see it through they kept up raiding parties hit and run At Yorktown the British could not retreat Bottled up by Washington and the French fleet Cornwallis surrendered and finally we had won HOORAY! And the shot heard 'round the world was the end of the Revolution The Continental rebel(s) took the day And the father of our country beat the British there at Yorktown *************** NOT SURE ON CHORD PATTERN FOR THIS EXCEPT THOSE NOTED *************** brought freedom to you and me and the USA E God bless America A Let freedom ring ------------+Jesus Christ+------------- the original nonconformist ---------------------------------------