
The Stallion (pt. 2)


For hither not, I am the stallion 
Come fear, come love, I am the stallion 
You know that I am the stallion, mang 
I am, I am the stallion, mang 
You know that I am the stallion, mang 
I live, I walk, I am the stallion, mang 

Hair-throng goo-tongue, stallion mang 
A 2 S-T-A-L-L-I-O-N 
I am the stallion, mang 

1: I can drink 
2: I get groomed 
3: I go for a walk 
I am the stallion, mang 
You know that I am the stallion, mang 

Deaner! Deaner! Dude! 
Where can you be? Come hither 
Who are you? The stallion 
What's goin' on? 
Who are you, Deaner? 
I am, I am the stallion 
You are the stallion 
I am the stallion, mang 
I can feel what I like to see in you and me and the stallion 
I can play, I get to take the water because I am the stallion 
Stallion, mang 
Stallion, mang 
Stallion, mang 
I am the stallion 
Wild stallion 
Wild stallion 

Stallion! Stallion! Stallion! Stallion! Stallion! 
Stallion, mang 

Whenever forth you come hither, when I can see the wind, 
I shall too ride upon the stallion 
I shall too lick the palm of the stallion, 
Whilst I drink the hair from the stallion, man 
I am the stallion