What gloat in cloak eclipsed on high from falcate moon at me Could there in nook and cranny closer fingers crooked be Was that not the clattering of hooves behind the clock? which trotteth me to segnitude tick - tock, tick - tock To poppy fields my schesis In Morpeus' arms held dear Whilst his lullaby eases 'The Devil's Trill' I hear Old Hag: Hogwash and laystall! Mine is the wicked hunt thro' thy darksome house Maggoty vapors herald my coming... The Hagridden: Avaunt, witch be thou gone! Return thither back yon! Menacing thy presence as it nears An evil cackle scolding to ones ears (Very scolding to one's ears) The Devil's daughters, haggard and twist'd 'peer to befoul in wickedest manners and thus as little girls haunt... Old Hag: Be it by hymn, shriek or whisper The Hagridden: In turn mock me thy retinues Little Girls: Frighten thee our cloven hooves? The Hagridden: Bestridden virtue is of despair Little Girls: Aghast the sleeper! Aghast! Aghast! A Waking Dream (Is Atonia the Hag?) Allayeth me thro' the night still one by name of Atonia Slackening at its height her skill But should she linger legion come to company her Higamus - As many wives David had Hogamus - so Tamburlaine's were nine Higamus - I own not nymph nor meanad Hogamus - these succubi are mine! At grewsome realms my dreaming In conscious sleep I've slipp'd Dragg'd by a nightmare screaming Within in its tale I'm whipp'd Old Hag: Mildew and froth! Thou greetest me struck dumb, tuck'd in thy clammy bed Slight of my iron hand promise I'll have thee… The Hagridden: Woe thee, o' demon fell! Remove this hexed spell! Leave this paralyzed body be! Tremendous on my chest the weight of thee! (The tremendous weight of thee) The Devil's daughters, have me in their laudanum evil to hurt my decorum with malicious content and thus as little girls haunt... Old Hag: Either 'tis cry, bellow or chant The Hagridden: Thy ilk 'twixt themselves have me laid Little Girls: Horniness hath thee afraid? The Hagridden: Maculate continence - my torment Little Girls: Uncouth the dormant! Uncouth! What View Not Eyes Awake From a point more realistic the schollar scoffeth at ignorance But figments somnambulistic await him within his own soon waning diligence An auld dance cast in new runs leaping quanta at a time Subliminal are wrought events to manifest sublime The spinstress on her stool hath sat there ne'er beheld for aye Whether real, tempestuous dream, a novelty or fray Higamus - As many wives David had Hogamus - so Tamburlaine's were nine Higamus - I own not nymph nor meanad Hogamus - these succubi are mine! Harridan most disturbing an advent worth to fear Know when daughters of hers sing a sombrous sojourn is here 'Not again shall I slumber'- my vow as darkness grows I watch the hours lumber and then my eyelids I close Where dreams meet dawn we'll see thee'