I Gave Birth To The Twentieth Century Call the constable there is blood in the streets call the constable white chapels stained with shame like a child you fell right into my game a sprig of grapes and chardonnay did you even know my name? a gentleman with horse and carriage is 4 pounds for the taking "I gave birth to the 20th century" they couldn't have done it without me you fear my name but not my face is that where you went wrong escape from your lungs, awake Mary there's a taste of laud numb on your lips this feeling is numb the way you've pulled me in so go ahead (go ahead) and kiss me goodnight comatose and 2 pints for the ride no one can hear you cry. where did you go wrong you marched the streets of London never saying a word it seems like heaven and hell are fighting there waiting for you did someone follow you there? is that where you went wrong did someone follow you there? he was so clean like the knife was an extension of his body escape from your lungs, awake Mary there's a taste of laud numb on your lips this feeling is numb the way you've pulled me in so go ahead (go ahead) and kiss me goodnight comatose and 2 pints for the ride no one can hear you cry so clever I never rushed I never said you meant this much where did you go wrong? call the constable there is blood in the streets call the constable white chapels stained with shame