Shakes gotta case of colt 45 an I got an AK47 Shakes gotta VCR to go an I got an AK47 Buds gotta a brand new pair of reeboks an I got an AK47 Buds gotta pipe an Shakes gotta lighter an I got an AK47 The warnings plain for all to see The writing crowds the wall Now greed has spawned disaster And pride precedes the fall The rapid fire of destiny Takes history by the hour Now you and me have chained ourselves To the pillar of fire. The deputys got a shotgun The Marines got CS gas The cops have got a swagger Says you can kiss my ass Politician now aint nothing But another word for liar The only truth is in the light of the pillar of fire. Rising from the jewelfield Rising from the plain Rising from the liquormart Rising from the pain Rising from consuming rage Rising from the mire Rising from Los Angeles Awesome pillar of fire. The Huxtables cant save us Willy Horton takes the point St. Theresa of the Roses Works a topless joint Cant trust no ballgame hero Til hes on the barricade And Eddie Murphys having lunch With Himmler in the shade And high above the carnage Cold eyes with no desire While you and me in fascination Approach the pillar of fire.