We be... We be... We be... travellin' down the highway of the enemy... We be... Joinin' the endless convoy of cultural hegemony... We be... Missin' the forest for the trees 'cause... We can't see the evils that men do On TV, in the movies, overseas, and right here on our street... We be... Opting for vainglory over humility... We need... We need... To break the convoy line Get the hell off the highway, take the road less travelled 'cause that moral fibber you thought was so tightly woven... It's unravelling... It's unravelled... I hate to tell ya'll, it's unravelled! We be... Say... I'm standin' on my soapbox again... Say... I'm one of those conscious artists talkin' that "change the world" shit again... Say... I might be just a bit too dramatic/overzealous 'bout what I see as... The human spirit's dive into uncertainty... Say... What you like Say... What you like... 'cause I'll be all those things you say... all night and all day... Before I allow myself and soul... to whither away, into... indistinctness Live a half-life of blissful ignorance Never take another chance Do the latest dance... with the devil... And lose my dreams... for all we could be Lose my dreams for all we could be... we be We be... many So many Many... like the number of death threats Malcolm that used to get We be... many... oh so many... Many... like the multitudes of souls, lost... in the wars of men... Over gold, over power, over god & hate We be... many... so, so many... Many... like the lies that pale the truth The countless lies of prophets & power mongers... told... To acquire faith, to steal land...to oppress people... We be the oppressed peoples We be Why can't we be Why can't we be more peaceful? Why can't we be... nicer... to one another? Why can't we be... we be... what we were meant to be... love... We be... We be...