Yo, I'm coming hard for friday. Like a pedophile At his computer desk Watching rebecca smile. I go the extra mile. The marathon's 27th mile. Then I hit the ice cold beverage isle. I got a cast-iron liver. And I would rather drown my sorrows Than cry a river. I use my brain like you Use a plane flight ticket. Now I'm in a place Where all the fences are white picket. The only way it might get disturbing Is if you're bothered by the sound Of light cricket chirping. I just let it soak in like robatussen. And about the fast-paced rat race There's no discussion. I'm just trying to get into the proper mood. Remix of everyday life, chopped and screwed. What can I do to get the weekdays behind me? Watsky, remind me. Thank you, kindly. Kick monday in the nutsack. Wedgie wednesday's buttcrack. I'm coming hard for friday. And if you're not, get the fuck back. Kick monday in the nutsack. Wedgie wednesday's buttcrack. I'm coming hard for friday. And if you're not, get the fuck back! Compared to mine, all testicles, hecka small (tiny) Mine crack walls, like a wrecking ball (shiny) When my checkered draws fall y'all see ornaments Fit for a porno flick. Time to deck the halls. I'm glad it's all finished. The week is all bidness. But now I'm chilling, sprawled out With a tall guinness. I'm gonna set the world record For the funnest time ever Had on the planet. So everybody call guinness (callin') I swear a lot. This ain't fisher-price. If I'm a bad influence Then here's the great advice: Kids! Don't be a dickweed! Appreciate the shit out of the present moment And be fucking nice! I whistle weird for the tune of it. If they all did, it'd ruin it. We spent two months on this here Bluegrass-folk rock-hip hop album Because we really felt like doing it. So everybody... Kick monday in the nutsack. Wedgie wednesday's buttcrack. I'm coming hard for friday. And if you're not, get the fuck back. Kick monday in the nutsack. (real hard!) Wedgie wednesday's buttcrack. I'm coming hard for friday. And if you're not, get the fuck back! I'm an amurican. I put my work in. And when work's done It's time for perking. Hey, let's invite the vultures down to have a drink. They must be getting tired doing all that circling. Cause it's the world's end. We're overheatelated! And, from what I hear, We're also overpeopleated! So, there's no room. Or we'll just explode soon. (boom!) So, let's get inebriated. And forget what we created. (drunk) So I've been thinking We should have a big party For all humans, and even women. (ladiees!) For the dumb southeners, and the lazy mexicans. The a-rabs, and the coloreds, and their peckers and The cheap jews, which is me, too! I'll even treat you! But, just this once, because nothing's free, dude. And when the fiery end comes We'll burn up quicker. Because we're full of liquor. So everybody Kick monday in the nutsack. (9x)