
If You Want to Get Free


In the gas station bathroom by the condom machine 
I heard the word of the Lord 
He said "Take off your shoes, 
this is holy ground too 
you know I came for the sick and the bored." 
Beneath the selling of beers 
And the welling up of tears 
Out beyond the beam of the remote control 
There's a whispering voice 
That the humble ear ears 
that says "I am still waiting 
for you to ask just to be made whole." 

And the bush it was burning on the mountain top 
and though the leaves never blackened, the fire didn't stop 
That's the way that it works in this old life of sin 
You gotta let the fire burn you just to get clean within 

I am so often deterred from my actual intent 
by distractions in a cellophane wrap 
And the cruel voice that taunts me when I open them up 
to find just one more box full of crap 
It's where you're mocked while you abstain 
and then cursed when you give in 
It's all a game that's impossible to beat 
But there's a peaceful refrain God'll sing in your brain 
when you put the nails to your hands and your feet 

And the smell of our sacrifices 
still fills up my head 
There's just a few left at the altar, Lord 
all the rest of them fled 
And we've cried and we've tried 
We've sweat and we've bled 
But we don't just need atonement 
We need to be raised from the dead 

When they took down the cross from that dark hillside 
The blood on their hands was the blood from his side 
That's the way that it works, That's the way it must be. 
You gotta let His blood stain you of you want to get free 
If you want to get free 
Don't you want to get free? 
I think you want to be free.