Warhead (Polônia/Ucrânia)

Aryan Nation's Rebirth

Warhead (Polônia/Ucrânia)

The years of the Wars for surviving 
Shoulder to shoulder with death they marched 
Believing, that once again the fire will shine 
With the flame of Virtues…. 
The enemy from the ages the same 
Was stirring the Nations of white lands 
Provoking the Brothers Wars 
Feeding with lies to destroy their bonds 

We won't let the enemies to shame our Blood no more! 
Annoying with poison of their lies 
Sentencing our Nations to Death 

The Aryan Nations were fighting each other in the wrath of the Gods 
Killing and disgracing their Holy Blood Instead of protecting their 
rights and common beliefs The ceremonies and lands 
The anger was growing each day fed by the foreign Blood 

We won't let the enemies to shame our Blood no more! 
Annoying with poison of their lies 
Sentencing our Nations to Death