Seas Of Lies


A blackened future
Destroying what we got
A demon feeding
On the wealth that we have lost

A dark horizon
Is falling on us all
The hordes of chaos
Are fading out the call

This night and on we fight
Get drowned in seas of lies
For you and for mankind
Get lost in time

Greed would arise
Snakes surrounding us
Thieves paradise
Our dreams sent to the trash

The human nature
Is taking all the best
We'll face the failure
When our souls are put to rest

Get drowned in seas of lies
Get lost in seas of lies

Corruption's gleaming in its coat of gold
While integrity is dying in the cold
The depths of extortion where honesty fall
Are ravenous vultures devouring its soul

We must stand this time on the edge of sacrifice
We must fight for our sons so they won't be denied
This age of lamentation must come to an end
With words or revolution we, the people, have to mend

Hypocrisy is lurking among the hideous mass
The death of the world is right upon us
An act of defiance is what we need
To teach a lesson in violence and make 'em bleed

Our self denial will make us fail
So we are feeding the evil we create
Kill the monster so that we all can breathe
This night we fight for you and for mankind

The end is near
Corruption dressed in gray
It's crystal clear
Just fight and make my day
A blackened future
Destroying what we got
A demon feeding
On the wealth that we have lost