
Senseless Life


From the moment you were born you were dieing 
With one foot planted in the grave 
Programmed by your surroundings 
To react in a given set of ways 

You can't think for yourself so you are already dead 

Follow only the ways of your own, abandon lawsof god 
Held in check by convention, strangling free thought 

Your choice is only consequence, eyes are stricken blind 

LIES! Senseless lies 
LIFE! Living a senseless life 

Bred to swallow lies, to ignore the glaring truth 
Do the world some good and resist 
The urge to reproduce 

Unable to be free, life's hopeless for you 
Circumstance will dictate your every move 

LIES! Senseless lies 
LIFE! Living a senseless life 
LIES! Senseless lies 
UGH...Living your worthless life 


Heal the gaping wound between the mind, the body, and the soul 
Cast off the chains which bind, for all time, regain control 
