It's approaching in the night. Like a thunder from the sky. Control by a maniacs crew. It's slowly moving on. Engine is roaring loudly - destructive metal sound. Machine - wild beast. Hammer for poser wimps. Demon with mechanic soul and it has one law !!. Thrash, thrash, thrash attack Thrash, thrash, thrash is back Thrash, thrash, thrash attack It's time to change this world. No one can stop us now. There is no turning back. You're with us or be dead. Metal revolution has already begun. Come with us, join to fight for glory and pride. Be a fighting metal soul and you'll have one law: Thrash, thrash, thrash attack Thrash, thrash, thrash is back Thrash, thrash, thrash attack Raise with Us Wait for sign We can't fall Thrash or die Thrash Metal War Machine! Thousands tons of steel. Thrash Metal War Machine! Thrash Metal War Machine! Blade of Satan's will. Thrash Metal War Machine!