Words are uttered but fail to enlighten Answer is known but the question is absent. I'm facing the abyss searching ways to escape Every step takes me away from myself Some of the meaning is lost in translation Some of the truth is lost in compression Cumulative error distorts your perception High resolution lowers your threshold The more I know The more I suffer trying to supress it but the result is anger Denial reduces me to a bare hollow shell since the very conception we all are just slaves! The infinite choice was only an illusion just one of the many embedded delusions Do not believe what they told they are just shadows on Cavern wall! "Behind the crest of silence last frontier made of clay first emptiness created an entrance for the insane" Here, on the Crest of Silence on Border of Soil and Stars In timelessness of the moment Words of the Poet come to mind: "To see a world in a grain of sand And heaven in a wild flower To hold infinity in the palm of your hand And eternity in an hour" Words are uttered but fail to enlighten Answer is known but the question is absent. Idea is born before mortal flesh, encoded in Field, to resonate Universe whispers the story of Man Of stars we are made, and we'll rise again!