Walter Hawkins

I'm So Thankful

Walter Hawkins

I will sing your praise 
for you've done such a marvelous thing 
for someone so wretched 
yet my soul you have redeemed 
no one else could do it 
no one could care half as much 
yet you thought my soul was worth it 
that you gave your only son 

you gave that i might live 
you gave that i might be set free 
exchanged your life for mine 
what a marvelous thing you've done 

some folk seem like...... 
even the good works you have begun in me 
Lord you also see my finish 
No not half done. 
every battle already won. 
I can't help but praise you Lord 
for the marvelous things you've done 


It's Marvelous 
so Marvelous 

YES, it's Marvelous 
OH , so marvelous. 

what a wonderful thing 
what a glorious thing 
what a marvelous thing...